
Spanish is the 3rd most widely spoken language in the world. It’s spoken in 21 countries and is quickly becoming the unspoken second language of the U.S. It is then a must that we business owners learn to connect with our customers who need us to help them as they learn English.

It is a good thing to cater to your customers. Businesses in essence exist to exchange a good or service for money. As business owners, you should want to make money so your business can thrive. Having the ability to speak Spanish will increase that bottom line we want to consistently grow, show your diverse customers you care about them, and enrich you in ways I can’t explain. You have to see and experience it for yourself. But, here are my 7 reasons why small business owners should study Spanish.

It’s Great for Travel and Making Connections

If you’re doing business in the U.S., you’ve noticed the need to know a second language and that language more than any other is Spanish. Can you pay someone? Yes. But, as a startup, small business, or sole proprietorship, it would be easier for you to invest in you since speaking Spanish is a communicative skill that you will use for a lifetime.

Not only can you use it in your business to gain clients and keep them, but you can also use it when you travel to beautiful ]places in the Spanish-speaking world. [This also saves you money because you don’t need a translator]. And, you’re able to forge connections with people you hadn’t considered because you normally can’t communicate with them. WIN!

I know this seems like a huge leap, but one day you will be able to sustain a complete conversation with a native Spanish speaker. All you have to do is be willing to do the work. This could be a game-changer for your business.

Spanish is Relevant

Unlike Latin which isn’t spoken today, Spanish is the 3rd language of business and the most learned in the U.S. The Hispanic population is on track to reach the largest minority by 2032, and that means you need to know it.

Have you gone to the bank lately? Then you probably have noticed signs in Spanish letting customers know they can speak to someone who can help them with their needs. This could be you in 90 days.

Spanish is Fun

How cool is it to talk to people in another language? VERY!!! Just imagine the fun you’ll have getting to know new friends and customers using their own language. All the things you’ll learn when you connect on a deeper level.

It’s Easy to Learn

Compared to many world languages spoken in the U.S and around the world, Spanish is easier to pick up quickly and begin speaking. How? It uses the same alphabet as the English language with the exception of 4 characters. Not bad. Right? Also, as you may have noticed when listening in Spanish, the pronunciation is a tad bit different. But, it is the similarities to English that will make your journey to being conversational and successful at garnering business easy.

It Broadens Your Horizons

It is time to get to know people different from you. Each of us is better for the connections we have made and the relationships we’ve built from our diverse connections. Talking to customers helps them trust you and allows you to support their needs. Just like making new friends in English affords you new perspectives and understanding, so will learning Spanish.

You Can Create More Income

Can you imagine the untapped revenue you’re missing by not offering your goods and services in Spanish? I would like to give you a number with lots of zeroes behind it, but you already know you need to take the challenge and sign up for private lessons.

Knowing Spanish Makes You Competitive

Let’s face it, customers have choices. We buy from people we know, like, and trust. Are you building your know, like, and trust factor with employees and clients that speak Spanish? It’s time! Is your competition serving their Hispanic customers or will you be first to market? Are you waiting to learn while they communicate and gain customers? Um, let’s fix that! Let’s get on the phone and chat about what Spanish for Small Business can help you achieve today.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips. Thank you for stopping by the blog. Feel free to leave any questions or comments below. How does learning Spanish help you in your current career or business? Share in the comments!

Kaywanda Lamb, M.A. is a certified Spanish teacher in Texas, holds a Masters in Spanish Literature from Texas A&M Commerce, and has been teaching Spanish for 13 years. She’s taught nurses, doulas, medical sales representatives, logistics supervisors, HR professionals, social workers, and more to use Spanish to increase their bottom line and connect with their customers. She’d love to help you be the next success story. Contact Kaywanda today!